austin cleaning company

Combat Allergies With a Clean Home

austin cleaning companies

Now that the spring season is here, allergens are coming back in full force, and the best way to fight back against allergies is by keeping your home clean. But are you cleaning your home in the best way to combat those allergy symptoms? Some cleaning methods may only make the allergies worse than they were in the unclean environment. Let’s talk about what to do and what not to do when you’re worried about allergies.

The Downsides of Chemical Cleaners

Store-bought chemical cleaners are perhaps the most widely used method of disinfecting surfaces in the home. But are they effective? Yes and no. Generally, chemical cleaners get the job done at disinfecting most of a surface, but they still don’t fully clean it, and worst of all, they could be aggravating allergy symptoms of people living in the home. Many of these chemical cleaners contain substances that are harsh on the lungs, particularly to people who already suffer from respiratory issues.

A Better Method: Steam Cleaning

If you’re looking for the allergy-safe choice, look no further than steam cleaners. Since steam cleaners use only heat and water to disinfect surfaces, they don’t have the potentially harmful side effects of chemical cleaners. They won’t aggravate any allergy symptoms, and they’re great at removing mold, bacteria, dirt and harmful viruses in a safe, healthy way. They can also remove dust mites and pet dander, further easing allergy symptoms. We can clean your rugs with expert rug cleaning professionals.

Fight Allergies With The Steam Team

So steam cleaners are great for ridding your home of anything that might aggravate allergy symptoms, but what’s even more effective than a steam cleaner is a high-powered steam cleaner in the hands of a Steam Team professional, who can also use other modern equipment and methods to rid your home of anything that might worsen allergies. For more information on how we can help clean your home and combat allergy symptoms, please visit The Steam Team website.

How To Deal With Plumbing Overflow: The Steam Team

Carpet cleaning in Austin, Texas

Carpet cleaning in Austin, Texas

One of the most damaging things in homes and businesses today is plumbing overflow and the flooding it can cause. Here at The Steam Team, we want to help you fully understand the dangers of plumbing overflow, what steps you should take, and how we can help.

The Risks of Plumbing Overflow

Whether you have tile, carpet, or wood floors, you probably already know that water will damage your floors. But water can also damage the subfloor underneath your flooring if it isn’t cleaned up soon enough. With spills this is easy to do, but in the case of plumbing overflow you won’t be able to prevent the water damage, and the floor and subfloor may need to be removed. In cases where the plumbing overflow occurred on a second or third story, the water may leak through the floor and drip from the ceiling of the lower floor, causing further damage to whatever surface it lands on.

Having your home damaged is awful enough, but unchecked plumbing overflow can also cause serious health risks. If the floors are wet, keep that in mind and take all precautions so that you can try not to slip if you must walk on the wet floor. Also, be sure to stay away from any electrical outlets that may have gotten wet, as they might electrocute you.

Mold Growth

Unchecked plumbing overflow can also cause mold to grow in certain places. It can happen anywhere dark with just a little bit of moisture, and it can quickly become a health hazard for anyone in the home.

When it comes to mold growth, but also floor damage and the other jobs required when you have plumbing overflow in your home, The Steam Team can help you! Our professional technicians are trained to use high-powered technology and expert methods to fix all of your plumbing overflow problems. For more information on how we can help, please visit The Steam Team cleaning website.